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Prof. Ned Djilali’s team visited the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics at Chongqing University

Prof. Ned Djilali’s team visited the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics at Chongqing University


As invited by Prof. Xun Zhu, Prof. Ned Djilali’s team (Profs. Ned Djilali, Akeel A. Shah, and Pang-Chieh Sui) visited the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics at Chongqing University from October 23 to 27, 2018.


Professor Ned Djilali is the Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada, and the Canadian Academy of Engineering; he is also the Canada Research Chair in Advanced Energy Systems Design and Computational Modeling, and the Thomson-Reuters Highly Cited Researcher. Professor Akeel A. Shah is a Professor at the University of Warwick, UK. Professor Pang-Chieh Sui is the Distinguished Professor at Wuhan University of Technology.


The Institute of Engineering Thermophysics has an on-going NSFC-Major International Joint Research Project in collaboration with Ned’s team. On Oct. 23rd and 24th, the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics held a workshop to present and discuss the recent progress of this project. Professor Xun Zhu, as the PI, and Chinese participants Prof. Ding-ding Ye and Dr. Biao Zhang, and all graduate students participated this workshop, together with Ned’s team.


Dr. Biao Zhang first gave a project overview, and briefly introduced the recent progress. Then 11 graduate students presented their progress, involving 1) multi-phase mass transfer in porous media, and 2) performance enhancement of microfluidic fuel cells. Profs. Djilali and Shah and Sui made insightful and constructive comments and suggestions to their work. This workshop summarized the current progress of this project, and proposed further research directions.




In addition, Profs. Djilali and Shah and Sui gave a serial of academic lectures on how to publish articles. Their talks covered several aspects, including manuscript preparation, review process and publication. Moreover, they shared their own experience and suggestions for high quality publication. Three professors also had in-depth discussion with the students.




Authors: Xiao-lian Gong, Hao-ran Zhang

Photos: Jie Mei, Xun Song, Jing Xiang, Yi-ming Lai