
About IETP

About IETP

The Institute of Engineering Thermophysics (IETP) in Chongqing University was established in 1982, including the Enhancement of Heat and Mass Transfer Lab, the Phenomenon of Microscale Transfer Lab, the Fuel Cell and Transfer Lab and the Environment Technology of Biological Energy Lab.

1986 IETP got the conferral right of the engineering thermophysics doctorate.

1996 IETP become the provincial key discipline.

2007 IETP turned into the national key discipline.

The school of power engineering including IEPT have been having first-level discipline Dr given point of the Power engineering and engineering thermophysics , Chongqing key discipline of the Power engineering and engineering thermophysics, postdoctoral research station of the Power engineering and engineering thermophysics, Ministry of education key Lab for the technology and system of Low Grade Energy, Chongqing key lab for thermophysics. And it is also the key constructing discipline of the ministry of education “985 project” and “211 project”.

IETP have undertook and completed more than 80 national-class and provincial-class research projects and more than 70 horizontal cooperation research projects.

These main cooperation projects:

Enhancement of heat transfer with boiling and condensation;

The technology of heat pipe;

Free convection in enclosure space;

Heat transfers of microgroove;

Efficient technology of heat and mass transfer;

The technology of environmental control;

New energy technology;

The flow and transfer of multiphase in porous media;

Automotive radiator;

The decrease of high temperature sulfuration corrosion.

Major cooperative research projects include:

Exhaust heat recovery heat pipe of blast furnace and hot-blast stove in Shanghai Baosteel;

 Silicon rectifier element heat pipe air-cooled radiator of the original China’s First Ministry of Machinery Industry;

Heat pipe production of Dujiang Electric Power Plant;

Micro channel air cooling radiator for radar traveling wave tube in Project 10 with CETC-29;

Thermal protection of waste heat boiler nozzle in natural gas desulfurization project;

Development of the three-dimensional extended surface heat transfer enhancement technology;

Spray evaporative cooling technology on high power and high heat flux density electronic components.

Among them, Baosteel Project annual economic benefits reached 24 million yuan. IETP won more than 30 National ministries and provincial awards including National Science Conference Award, published more than 600 academic papers and 7 academic monographs.

Now, IETP has 3 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 lecturers, 19 doctors and 51 graduate students, including one of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, Distinguished Professor of The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars and the person of New century national thousands of talents project, three of the ministry of education New century Talents Support Project, one of the Distinguished Professor for Chongqing Bayu scholars, one of Chongqing “322 talent project” first-level person.

In recent decade, IETP have been undertaking 19 projects of The National Natural Science Foundation of China including some major projects, a “973”sub-project and more than 20 other national and provincial projects.

At present, the main research direction include:

Interface phenomenon and phase change heat transfer;

Mechanism and characteristics of micro scale transmission;

Microbial energy conversion and reactor engineering;

The fuel cell and transmission phenomenon;

Enhanced heat and mass transfer;

Energy-saving technology.